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Virus, Adware and Spyware Removal

Viruses, Adware and Spyware are running rampant over the internet. There is an estimated 6000 new or modified viruses each day. When we first started using the internet many people were of the belief that you only got viruses from going to bad websites, this is so far from the truth these days. You can get a viruses from emails, social media and websites that have been hacked and when you visit these websites you are infected.

There are so many different Viruses, Adware and Spyware that there is no one stop program that keeps these out of your computer or cleans your computer. Working within the industry you are continually evolving your techniques to remove these and it can change from day to day.

We clean systems of these infestations and that can be both on Windows or Apple Mac machines. If you own a Mac don’t believe what the salesman said “you don’t get Viruses or Adware on a Mac” this is totally incorrect.

If you have any Computer problems and want to book a Technician Click Here and we will respond normally with a couple of hours.